
37 hours in South Greenland

Nuuk > Nuuk
5 unnuit

Experience the captivating beauty and culture of South Greenland like never before with our exceptional round-trip journey from Nuuk. This adventure grants you 37 unforgettable hours in South Greenland before heading back to Nuuk. With Arctic Umiaq Line, you can explore destinations such as Narsaq, Qaqortoq, Nanortalik, Sheep Farmers, and Igaliku, with the option to spend the first night on land and reboard the ship the following day. For example, you can disembark in Narsaq, enjoy a night on land, and then rejoin the journey in Qaqortoq, or vice versa. If you wish to extend your experience, you can add an overnight stay in Igaliku or a sheep farming community through our excursions. Our tour commences in Nuuk with a late departure at 21:00, offering an express sailing day that takes you through breathtaking landscapes and coastal communities such as Qeqertarsuatsiaat, Paamiut, and Arsuk. Along the way, you can disembark in Paamiut and explore this charming town for an hour and a half before continuing your journey. Arriving in Narsaq early in the morning at 08:00, you'll have the opportunity to explore this picturesque town before we continue to Qaqortoq and Nanortalik. Your round-trip adventure spans a total of 5 nights, with 4 of them spent on board Sarfaq Ittuk and 1 night in South Greenland. You'll have up to 40 hours to explore and savor everything that South Greenland has to offer while on land. This is a unique opportunity to get closer to Greenlandic life and culture while experiencing the most stunning landscapes in South Greenland. Join us on this unforgettable journey where adventure awaits at every stop, and the beauty of South Greenland will leave you breathless. We look forward to welcoming you on board our ship and showing you a world of possibilities in South Greenland.



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4 Ilaasussat
Siniffiit 1-4
9.5-11 kvm
Paarnaartartoq ilaqutariinnut, ikinngutigiinnut aappariinnulluunniit nammineerisamik perusuersartarfilimmut ineeraqarusuttunut pitsassuuvoq. Inissaqarluarlunilu atoruminartuuvoq. Paarnaartartut affarleriiaajupput tamarmik paarnaartartuullutik. Inini sisamanik siniffeqarpoq, taakkununnga inummut ataatsimut, inunnut marlunnut, inunnut pingasunut sisamanulluunniit inniminniisoqarsinnaavoq. Kaffi, tiimullu kissartuliuuteqarpoq amusariaqarlunilu. Inini allaruteqarpoq. Init paarnaartartut umiarsuup quleriinni 3 aamma 4-mi inissisimapput. Ilaasussat tulliuttut eqqarsaatigalugit tikinnissaq nal. akunneranik ataatsimik sioqqullugu inigisaq qimanneqassaaq eqqiaaneq aallartittarmat. Matuersaatillu inigisamut qimanneqassapput.
Uanngaanniit akit
19.819,50 DKK
12.419,50 DKK
Ilaasumut ataatsimut
Adresse akiliinermi allagartamiittussaq
90 DKK