
Greenland's Hidden Treasure: A roundtrip to Uummanaq from Ilulissat

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Discover Greenland's Hidden Treasure: A 3-Day Roundtrip from Ilulissat to Uummanaq

Ullut periarfissallu


  • Aallarfissaq: Ilulissat
  • Tikiffissaq: Ilulissat
  • Sivisussusia: 2 unnuit
  • Umiarsuaq: Sarfaq Ittuk
Neqeroorutit angalanermi assigiinngitsut pisiarineqarsinnaasut
Nerinerit umiarsuarmi pissapput x4
Sumunnarfissat x3

Embark on an unforgettable journey with Arctic Umiaq Line aboard the Sarfaq Ittuk, a beloved local passenger ship, as we take you on a 3-day voyage that unveils the hidden treasures of Greenland. Our 'Discover Greenland's Hidden Treasure' voyage is designed to offer you a unique Arctic experience. Departing late from the charming town of Ilulissat, you'll sail under the Arctic sun and witness the breathtaking landscapes of Greenland's west coast. As the ship glides through icy waters, you'll have the opportunity to marvel at towering glaciers and pristine fjords, immersing yourself in the rugged beauty of this remote region. On the second day, we'll arrive in Uummannaq, a picturesque settlement perched on an island surrounded by stunning cliffs and crystalline waters. Spend 6 hours exploring this charming town, its colorful houses, and the iconic heart-shaped mountain that overlooks the settlement. It's a perfect opportunity to connect with the local culture and capture the essence of life in the Arctic. As the sun dips below the horizon, we'll set sail once again, retracing our route back to Ilulissat. This return journey offers a chance to soak in the tranquility of the Arctic night and perhaps catch a glimpse of the mesmerizing Northern Lights if luck is on our side. Arriving early in Ilulissat, you'll have ample time for any connecting flights or to explore the town a bit more before departing. Join us on this mini voyage and uncover the secrets of Greenland's hidden treasures. It's a journey filled with natural wonders, cultural encounters, and memories that will last a lifetime.

Greenland's Hidden Treasure: A roundtrip to Uummanaq from Ilulissat,Grönlands verborgener Schatz: Eine Rundreise von Ilulissat nach Uummanaq,Grønlands Skjulte Vidunder: Uummannaq, en rundrejse fra Ilulissat, map

Angalanissap allagartaa

Ullukkut 1: Ilulissat
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Aallarfissaq: 21:30

UNESCO-p nunarsuarmi eriagisassatut allattorsimaffianniittumut Ilulissat kangerluannut tikilluarit. Arferit immami anersaartut, qimuttut pangalinnerisa iluliarsuarnut akisuguttutut inneri takorluukkallu killeqanngitsumik pilersitsiffianni misigisaqarlutit.

Ullukkut 2: Uummannaq
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Tikiffissaq: 13:00
Aallarfissaq: 19:00
6 timer

Qattat qimmit nerukkaatissaannik imallit qaqqallu uummataasatut ilusillip iluliarsuit akornanni misigisassanut allaanerusunut qaaqqusutut ippaatsit.


Ilanngussassiat akianut ilaareertut

  • ChefMåltider ombord

    2x Ullaakkorsiutit, 1x Ulloqeqqasiutit, 1x Unnukkorsiutit

Inissannik inniminniigit

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1 Ilaasussaq
Premium with mattress topper
Siniffik: 70x195 cm
Ammaannartoq Premium
Bedsize: 70x195 cm. Welcome to the epitome of comfort and luxury aboard the Sarfaq Ittuk ship, where we offer a total of 14 premium couchettes in a private and exclusive section. Designed with your utmost comfort in mind, this closed-off area boasts only two entrance doors, reserved exclusively for premium couchette travelers. Within this premium section, you'll find all the amenities you need for a relaxing journey. There are two well-appointed bathrooms and two toilets, ensuring convenience during your stay. Additionally, you'll have access to your own kitchenette, stocked with a selection of coffee, tea, and refreshing water, allowing you to enjoy your favorite beverages at your leisure. The premium couchettes themselves are a true embodiment of luxury. Each couchette is designed based on suite elements, featuring top-notch mattresses that guarantee a restful night's sleep. Premium beddings add an extra layer of comfort, ensuring you wake up refreshed and rejuvenated. To maximize your privacy, heavy curtains surround each couchette, creating a cozy and tranquil haven for you to unwind. Out of the 14 premium couchettes, three areas are equipped with two premium couchettes each, perfect for couples or travelers seeking extra space. In addition, there are two areas with four premium couchettes, ideal for families or larger groups. To keep you connected to the outside world and provide stunning views of the passing landscapes, each premium couchette area is fitted with a window. Experience the ultimate in relaxation and luxury during your voyage with our premium couchettes. We invite you to indulge in a journey marked by comfort, privacy, and breathtaking scenery. Your premium travel experience starts here.
Uanngaanniit akit
5.189 DKK
Ilaasumut ataatsimut
Ineeqqamik toqqaaneq
71 sinneruttut
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1 Ilaasussaq
Ammaannartoq qulleq ↑
Ammaannartuni 8-it tikillugit innarfissaqarpoq. Torsuusami tamanit atorneqarsinnaasunik perusuersartarfeqarlunilu uffarfeqarpoq. Ilaasussat ilaat namminneq sinngup puuanik nassartarput, aammali periarfissaavoq billitsimik pisinermi imaluunniit umiarsuarmi tippimik pisisoqarsinnaalluni. Innangaffissat umiarsuup quleriinni 1, 2 aamma 3-mi inissisimapput, taakkunanilu ilaat igalaaqanngillat.
Uanngaanniit akit
4.389 DKK
Ilaasumut ataatsimut
Ineeqqamik toqqaaneq
280 sinneruttut
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Sarfaq Ittummut tikilluarit: Sarfaq Ittuk

M/S SARFAQ ITTUK 1992-imi sananeqarpoq 2000-milu tallineqarluni. Ineeqqat parnaartartut kusanarnerusut 2023-mi 2024-milu neqeroorutaalerput. Umiarsuup miiterinik 73-inik takissuseqarpoq sumiluunniit talissinnaalluni, taamaasilluni umiarsuarmiit toqqaannaq nunamut takornariartoqarsinnaalluni

  • Umiarsuarmi sulisut: Kiffartuussineq kalaallisut, tuluttut qallunaatullu ingerlavoq.
  • Café Sarfaq: Ullut tamaasa ammasarfiit 07:00-22:00.